Social Media Workshops


Who are our Social Media Workshops designed for?

Follow Me Social Media Consulting provides social media workshops for groups of 3 and above.

These workshops are designed for:

  • Sales teams
  • Companies
  • Organizations
  • Nonprofits
  • Chambers of Commerce

What's involved with our Social Media Workshops?

Our Social Media Workshops tackle single topics including 

  • Beginners LinkedIn
  • Advanced LinkedIn
  • Facebook for business
  • Instagram for business
  • Twitter for business
  • And various other topics that can be designed for your specific needs!

With appropriate input from the client we can also teach company-focused workshops  including “Social media strategy and rules” and “Teaching how employees can engage with social media”.


These sessions typically run 90 minutes and are designed to be completely “hands-on” where each member of the workshop has access to a laptop and computer, where they will do the work. "Doing is the easiest way to learn!"


FAQ's for our Social Media Workshops program