If you are a business owner, you have heard numerous times that if you are not using social media you are missing out on a ton of business. With that thought gnawing at the back of your mind you decide to jump in and make a go of it. In Part Two of this series, we will talk about Twitter, or as I like to call it, the ADD of social media.
- As you create your Twitter account, when you create your “handle” be sure that it ties into your name or the name of your business. You want it to make sense and have it recognizable by your followers.
- Be sure to add your logo or profile picture to your profile, as well as an interesting/eye catching cover photo.
- Also, be sure to fill in your profile information like location and your website url.
- You want to add a brief summary describing your page. Most Twitter users like to make it fun and attention grabbing. Search out other pages to see examples of their short description.
- Want to color coordinate with your branding? Twitter has different theme colors to choose from for your page!
Next, start to follow people, news channels, industry leaders, thought leaders, celebs, anyone who interests you or who would be tweeting about things related to your field. Just remember…the number of Twitter users you follow the faster your twitter feed will fill. Following hundreds of Twitter users means that the tweets will flow very quickly.
Once you are following some users, ask your clients, friends, family, vendors, suppliers etc. to follow you. Be sure to put a clickable Twitter link on your website too.
Now, the trick is to engage with the profiles you are following. “Like” some of their tweets by clicking the “heart” icon. Comment on their tweets by clicking the “talk bubble”. Share or re-tweet their posts by clicking the re-tweet icon. When you start to engage with your audience and the pages you are following, your reach will start to expand.
Get involved in conversations that pertain to you or your industry. It will start to show that you are a thought leader and expert in your field.
Start tweeting by sharing what is happening in your world, or information you feel people should know about. You now have 280 characters to get your point across which is double the old 140 allotment. Still, Twitter is fast-paced so keep it short and concise.
Attach a picture as often as you can. Pictures are what grabs people’s attention.
If you are sharing an article or something that has a long url,,use a link shortening website like bitlycom to cut them down to size so they don’t take up a large portion of your 280 characters.
Research hashtags that are commonly used for your profession. Use them when you tweet to gain the attention of other Twitter users. Also pay attention to what is trending in the left side column on your home feed, that way you can get involved in those conversations. Do not use popular hashtags that are trending just to gain attention. They should ALWAYS pertain to what you are tweeting about.
As you continue to use Twitter, not just posting, but liking, commenting, and re-tweeting, you will find that you and your business will gain the attention it deserves!